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As we continue to push for smart growth, the question of “who pays?仍然不清楚。.




卡尔加里市是加拿大城市扩张最明显的例子之一. 和大多数北美城市一样, the bulk of Calgary’s expansion occurred during the automobile mania of the 20th 世纪. This new era set the stage for suburbanization and soon enough, cars and single family homes filled in the landscapes beyond city limits. 今天,这个梦想仍然存在,但这种虚幻的生活方式不再是可持续的. The hidden costs of low-density auto-centric development, including traffic congestion and infrastructure duplication, are a threat to long-term sustainability. 不过, 开发商继续追求城市边缘的绿地,因为它仍然比城市的棕地便宜得多. 对市, 与城市密集化相比,远郊发展需要更高的前期和终身基础设施成本. As such, growth management is becoming an increasing priority. Municipalities are increasingly shifting their visions to develop compact, 宜居的, 多用途, vibrant and less auto dependent communities; yet still, 扩张持续.


In 2005, Calgary launched a long-term urban sustainability plan called imagineCALGARY to help guide the city into the future. 这个过程涉及18个以上的人,并形成了许多长期计划和政策的基础,包括他们的 市政发展规划卡尔加里交通计划. 为了响应imagineCALGARY的成果,成立了一个团队来协调长期实施. The outcome of this is a document known as 计划一下,卡尔加里, a progressive sustainable growth strategy in preparation for 1.3 million new Calgarians over the next 60 years. Its principles focus on developing a compact city that supports walking, 骑自行车, and transit as desired means of mobility while preserving open space, parks and other environmental amenities. 这种增长管理策略给城市带来了特别的挑战,因为预计卡尔加里94%的预期增长将发生在其外围社区.

The True Cost of Urban-Rural Divide

卡尔加里市(City of Calgary)最近提出了一项解决方案,要求郊区住房开发商承担供水和下水道等城市提供的服务的成本. 开发商对这一想法提出了警告,称由于房价将飙升数千美元,这笔费用将转嫁给潜在购房者, 从而降低了负担能力. This ongoing debate which asks, “who pays for growth?,包括对开发成本收费(DCCs)这一金融工具的理解。. dcc向开发商征收一次性费用,以帮助市政当局支付开发项目产生的前期基础设施成本. 作为增收的财政工具, 随着来自上层政府的资金减少,地方协调委员会的作用不应被低估, dc是市政当局为与增长相关的基础设施支付费用的为数不多的方法之一. But as Pamela Blais notes in her book, 的城市例如,dc并不总是鼓励城市采取更紧凑和可持续的发展模式.

对城市扩张的看法有两个对立阵营:一个阵营侧重于遏制城市扩张以实现可持续增长, 和 other defends it as natural market response to consumer preferences. It can be argued that though infrastructure financing encourages urban sprawl, sustainable growth is more likely achievable by restructuring tools and polices. 当影响费反映基础设施服务的真实成本时,这可能导致更密集的大都市发展. 卡尔加里向开发商收取城市边缘建筑费用的提议并不意味着要阻止郊区的发展, 而是反映 真正的 cost of suburban growth compared to densification. 这不是一个新概念. 研究人员通常支持将开发费用作为一种支付与增长相关的新基础设施的手段,因为他们认为责任应该由那些需要基础设施的人承担, 而不是现有的税基.

向低密度绿地开发项目收取与高密度城市填充开发项目相同的费用,代表了城市和郊区居民之间的交叉补贴. 这种做法使郊区购房者能够以较低的财产税负担更高的房价,而不是迫使他们为真正的基础设施成本买单. 开发商可以通过对农业用地提供更高的出价来赚取更多的钱,这不可避免地导致更多的农业用地被转化为城市用途. This is how infrastructure financing encourages urban sprawl.

From Cost Recovery Levy to Smart Growth Policy Tool

Although administratively simple, 在不考虑物业的地理环境的情况下,对所有分类类型的物业收取相同的费用显然是低效的. Instead of acting as a financial instrument, 当dcc反映提供基础设施的真实成本时,它们会考虑位置和密度问题. 当被用作计划工具时, dcc有能力影响上述链,甚至可能逆转它, leading to denser development within the city. When coordinated with urban planning, dcc可以在几个方面促进智能增长:通过为支持智能增长的基础设施筹集资金(例如.g., 交通), by influencing the location or type of growth proposed by developers, or by influencing the location decisions of residents. 这是可以理解的, even if DCCs are implemented in different ways, they cannot solve all growth-related problems. 然而, when used in conjunction with other growth management strategies, they can be an effective and powerful tool to address sprawl. 对于这个, 为了评估有效使用dc的预期范围,有必要探索市级或省级的政策改革.

Nabila Haque is a Calgary-based planner. Her experience includes transportation planning, 功能规划研究, multi-modal corridor studies and roadway capacity analysis. This includes working with traffic simulation and modelling software, intersection optimization and coordination. 除了她在卡尔加里的工作, Nabila还拥有管理孟加拉国城市和农村地区众多规划项目的经验.

IBI Group’s 引领 program is designed to support employees who have the potential and desire to be future leaders within IBI Group; with the goal of assisting participants to learn about themselves, 提高新技能, and develop leadership competencies.

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